Prepare this wheel to turn as you share the Cycle of History scripture stories of times when people listened to and followed the prophet and times when they did not and the results as you turn the wheel.
Listen to the Prophet to Stay in the Light – Cycle of History Wheel
AGES 8-11
OBJECTIVE: Share with children The Book of Mormon stories that tell when the people followed the prophet they became righteous and blessings and prosperity came. Then, if they do not stay humble and keep repenting and choosing the right, they get prideful. At this point, it is easy to become wicked which brings suffering and destruction. Then the cycle begins again.
ACTIVITY: Prepare this wheel to turn as you share the Cycle of History scripture stories of times when people listened to and followed the prophet and times when they did not.
• See scriptures that follow.
• TO USE WHEEL (see instructions that follow).
1. Explain that throughout history when people have been righteous, Heavenly has blessed them with prosperity. Unfortunately, this prosperity can lead to pride, wickedness, and sometimes destruction.
2. The Jaredites became proud and rejected the prophets. Turn the wheel arrow to “Pride,” “Wickedness,” and “Suffering and Destruction.” If the Jaredites had humbled themselves and repented before they were destroyed, they could have returned to enjoying the blessings of righteous living. Turn the arrow to “Humility” and “Repent.”
3. Explain that this cycle often happens in our personal lives as well as in the history of nations. Go through the History Wheel again starting with “Humility” and talk about each action and where it leads.
TO MAKE Print, color, and cut out the Cycle of History Wheel parts A and B for each youth. Attach A on top of part B with a paper fastener (metal brad or a button brad*) and place it in the center.
*To make a button brad, sew two buttons together on opposite sides of the wheel, treading thread through the same hole to attach parts – this way the wheel will turn freely.
THOUGHT TREAT: Smile and Frown Cookie. Frost a smile on one side and a frown on the other with two eyes in the center. As you turn the cookie around talk about the cycle of history how when the people were righteous they were happy, and when they were wicked, they were sad and suffered destruction. Talk about how those who repented were not destroyed and became happy again (turn the cookie around again to the smile).
TESTIMONY: Testify that if we choose to listen to and follow Heavenly Father’s prophets we will be blessed and can overcome evil.
SCRIPTURE CHALLENGE CARD: Help children Search and Ponder this scripture card by filling in the blanks. PRINT this 5 x 7 scripture card from the pdf included with the above activity. You can punch the two holes on the left and tie a ribbon to attach cards or use two metal rings to connect cards.
Ether 13:13 “Great and marvelous were the prophecies of Ether; but they esteemed him as naught, and cast him out; and he hid himself in the cavity of a rock by day, and by night he went forth viewing the things which should come upon the people.”